Building PeerDB's venture

Matteo Pitassi
Backed by Y Combinator, PeerDB is a start-up that automates the most time-consuming parts of the ELT process data movement out of, into and across various cloud data platforms.
PeerDB needed to design, build and launch an entirely new web product, from brand to implementation. Matteo partnered with John Larsson to design and develop the entire product in 3 months.
Matteo led the design work by segmenting it and focusing on reusable complex web components, which were leveraging open source React libraries, such as Radix UI. A particular characteristic of Matteo's system is that every componet is designed around a spacial system of margins and padding that automatically create edge and spine alignments between components.




Digital product design


Design lead


3 months



Special thanks

John Larsson
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